Frequently-asked Questions

  • How can I participate in the selection process?

    First, please attend our information session.
    To participate in our information session, please apply here or make a reservation for the information session through Mynavi2025.

  • Is it necessary to submit a portfolio?

    Submission of a portfolio is optional.

    If you submit it, we will review it along with your resume.

    You can either send the data in advance, or we will ask you during interview to send it to the HR email address afterwards.

    For those interested in becoming a designer, it would be appreciated if you can prepare your portfolio as we would like to use it as a reference.

  • Please tell me the details of the first round and final round of the selection process.

    The first round will be an individual interview.
    The total interview duration is approximately one (1) hour.
    The final round will be an interview with the manager of the desired work location.

  • Please tell me the process after accepting the offer.

    The schedule varies every year, but there will be events such as a pre-employment internship, a social gathering, a job offer ceremony, etc.

  • What is the dress code for the interview?

    There is no dress code. Suits or casual clothes are both acceptable.

  • Is there a lot of overtime?

    The average overtime hours for the entire company are less than ten (10) hours, and we manage everyone's overtime hours every day to keep overtime in control.

    Of course, there are busy periods such as during emergency responses or pre-releases, thus, overtime does not necessarily mean zero.

    It is not an environment that encourages overtime. Rest assured that there will be no problems as long as you perform at your best during actual working hours.

  • Do you conduct online interviews?

    Yes, we do. We conduct interviews via Skype or Zoom.
    Please note that you may be asked to come to our office for the final interview.

  • I am a liberal arts major. How many liberal arts students do you get every year?

    Regardless of whether they have liberal arts or science degrees, we hire motivated individuals, so each year, nearly half of our applicants have liberal arts backgrounds.

    Rest assured that there are many people, even with science backgrounds, who have not done programming.

    Anyone with motivation is welcome.

  • Is there a specific format for the resume?

    The resume is free format.
    You may submit a resume purchased commercially, a resume prepared by your university's career center, or a resume you created yourself using Excel or Word.

  • What kind of internship or training will there be?

    In general, the training consists mainly of technical training.

    The training is about Java and PHP. Trainees will learn everything from environment construction to basics and advanced techniques, as well as experience both individual and group developments.

    For interns, we plan to teach the basics of Java and PHP as part of the introductory training.

  • Are client sites located outside the prefecture?

    Generally, it will be within commuting distance from your home.
    As our sales team checks the nearest station to the engineer, confirms the distance to the client site, and checks the number of transfers, we rarely suggest extremely far places.

  • Are there job transfers?

    There are none. You will work in the area of your choice.
    The company does not designate what area will you work at.

Spread your wings
with a job that suits you and
where you can fit in