- Without further ado, please tell us about the services and work you are usually involved in!
- Currently, I am developing a mission-critical system for the construction industry, and I am responsible for screen implementation, modification, and other aspects of the development process, such as manufacturing and unit testing.
- It has been four (4) years since you joined the company as a new graduate, but you have always been an engineer stationed at a customer site, right? Are there any points that you think are good about being based at a client site?
- I think it is an environment where I can grow by receiving fresh inspiration from all kinds of people including client company employees, other companies' employees stationed in the client site, and freelancers. Because the rules and workflows are completely different depending on the site and project, it is also a good learning experience.
- I see, it is appealing to be able to gain experience in various workplaces while belonging to one company, Style Free! Your career as an engineer has just begun, but have you faced any difficulties so far?
- The most difficult time was when I had to take over some pretty important screens and processes that someone else had partially implemented, carefully check what was working and what was not, and ensure everything is on track for completion...
- You were not the only person developing it… I guess a "relationship with colleagues" becomes important in the development process, right?
- I agree. I learned a lot from examining other people's implemented source codes and design documents, looking for things that I can incorporate into my future skills during my daily work, and learning about things that I do not understand. If I have a difficult decision to make, I try to actively ask questions and exchange opinions.
- You are very passionate with learning! Do you have any relationships with your colleagues outside of work?
- I often interact with Style Free senior colleagues who are assigned at the same site as I am - on Fridays after work, we go out for meals or drinks and talk about behind-the-scenes work stories and happenings on site! I also interact with people from other companies at monthly in-house drinking parties and seasonal in-house events.
- It is a relief that you are able to interact with your senior colleagues even at a client site!
- That is right. (laughs) There are surprisingly many opportunities for interaction. There are many people who are very caring, and there are also many ambitious individuals who think about what they want to become and what they want to do, so it is fun!
- This is your fourth year at the company, so I am sure that you are getting used to the job, but how do you relax on your days off?
On my days off, I try to forget about work and do what I want to do to the fullest!
As I have always loved watching professional wrestling as a hobby, I have been actively going to venues and watching live wrestling matches since I started working - to replenish my energy for the work week ahead.
- In order to do your best at work, it is important to relax as much as you can on your days off! Lastly, please give a message to job-hunting students!
In job hunting, there are no right answers, but there are mistakes. These are mistakes you make when job hunting, such as finding out that the job is not a good fit or is completely different from what you desire after joining the company.
It is important to carefully examine the company and repeatedly check its compatibility with you and what you want to do. I hope that all job-hunting students will find a company that brings them genuine happiness and that will make them feel glad that they have worked with the company!
- Thank you for that message because I was also a job-hunting student myself not too long ago!